Windows Editor - switch to LibCurl / get upload progress from WinInet HTTP?


I’m currently developing an editor plugin that will send binary data through HTTP to the specified address and since the files sent can get quite big in size (up to 500MB) some kind of a progress bar is a necessity. The IHttpRequest class offers binding to OnRequestProgess() delegate, which is supposed to drop a pointer to the request, the amount of bytes sent and the amount of bytes received.

However due to the way WinInit HTTP is implemented (HttpWinInet.cpp) the delegate is called only once when the request starts, making it practically useless. The plugin must work on “vanilla” Editors (binary versions from Launcher), so changing its source code is out of option.

I noticed that LibCurl’s code appears to broadcast the data I need correctly, however I can’t test it because I don’t know how to get to it. Editing DefaultEngine.ini or running with -HTTP=Curl parameter didn’t seem to work.

So my question is:

  • How can I switch to Curl in the Launcher version of the Editor?
  • …and if it’s not possible, how can I link Curl manually to my plugin?

Any suggestions for a solution that are not a direct answer to the question are also welcome.

Thanks in advance!