Drop down menus and right clicking menus don’t work anymore, pretty much what was happening here : [Editor] Menus broken as of latest Windows 10 insider update - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums but with the latest windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
Will there be a fix ? I tried to follow the other post but was unable to fix it
by the way this is affecting only the engine, the Launcher is fine !
tried deleting WindowExStyle |= WS_EX_COMPOSITED; from UE4.11 Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Windows\WindowsWindow.cpp
Nothing changed
It does work, i just tried it for 4.11 and worked fine. Fixed all of my menus and right-mouse clicks and drop down menus.
To install plugins to the source code version. first install the plugins to the launcher version and then go to the launcher version’s folder and go to Engine/Plugins and copy the Marketplace folder. Place the Marketplace folder inside your Source version/Engine/Plugins and then open the VS project again. Right click on UE4 and hit Rebuild.