Win Consition

So I though I was done with WinCondition when I found a new bug. I set Wincodition value for example to 27, if I increase the value from 0 to 27 all works, I get the you win screen. But if I decrease from a value higher then 27 to 27 nothing happens. Also I increase my value first from 0 and jumping over 27 and then decreasing it to 27.
27 is 27 why the condition doesnt work?
This feels so strange, I am confused.

Hande should be Handle in the screen
<iframe src=“WinCondition posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine” scrolling=“no” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Can you show the reset of the blueprint?

I forgot to call the WinCondition on the negativ value. The problem is solved.