Will this code make 2 FVectors face each other?

I need to have two vectors where their face each other… I think I’ve found something that might work. Is this reasonable?

These represent 2 vectors in my scene/c++ code


FRotator  rot = (vectorTwo - vector1 ).Rotation();
rot.RotateVector( vectorOne );

rot = (vectorOne - vectorTwo).Rotation();
rot.RotateVector( vectorTwo );

If you mean two direction vector just vectorTwo = vectorOne * (-1.0).

If you could elaborate on the use for this perhaps I could be of more help.

Hi pezzott1

Lets say I have two vectors placed randomly in a scene, I have no idea what direction they are facing, one could be rotated around Z at 50 degrees and the other could be rotated around Z at say 165 degrees… I just want to make sure that their forward rotations are facing each other. So say I needed to fire a projectile forward, from either, they would hit each others exact location.