Will there be Support for Opus Codec?

Hi there, just curious if there were plans for the engine to support the Opus audio codec for Assets (Dialog & Music Especially) The High quality @ low bitrates seems like it would make a lot of sense for gaming for space saving & probably loading latency, (it’s also rather quick on mobile platforms for decoding)

  • Dialog Sounds good between 24 & 32 Kbps
  • Music sounds good at 96+kbps
  • Multichannel audio @ 128kbps+

Compared to bitrates of any of these situations using Vorbis (or even the larger ADPCM) Just throwing this out there incase you haven’t come across the format, its still a rather young format

If not is there a way to add them to the engine via the source code? (It uses the Ogg encapsulator, same as Vorbis files, so i imagine it wouldn’t be too difficult to add it in)

I have looked at it and it has been discussed a few times. It is definitely interesting, however given the list of other things that need doing it hasn’t made it near the top of the priority list. I would imagine if someone wanted to take a crack at it it would be pretty doable.

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What is the status of this now? According to the documentation I am reading right now, it says that Unreal Engine 5 only supports .wav files, which tend to be several orders of magnitude larger than opus files.

Game file sizes have increased quite a lot since '14, it might be a good time to support formats with superior compression now that the average AAA game is over a tenth of a terabyte in disk space. While .wav will still be better for sounds that need to be fetched quickly like gun sound effects, .opus could provide some considerable savings for sound effects that can afford loading a bit slower, like music or voice acting files.

Apologies for reviving this thread, I just really wanted to know if anything has changed (or will change) since.

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Please consider it for ue5.6