will not play .mov files on media player

so long story short i get an error that says failed to generate byte stream content which doesnt make since because i import it was a filesource not a stream. mp4 works fine. but i like to pre key my green screen footage before dropping into ue5 so i can perfect the non perfect green screen. any help would be greatly appriciated i got 1 pass done a couple weeks ago. but then ue5.1 came out and all it shows is a black plane and output log talking about byte stream.

The error “Failed to generate byte stream content” typically occurs when there is an issue with the file format or encoding of the video you’re trying to import. If you are trying to import a video file that is not in a supported format or is not properly encoded, you may get this error.

In the case of importing green screen footage, it is important to make sure that the video file is in a format that Unreal Engine supports and that the encoding of the video is consistent and free of errors. Some common video formats that Unreal Engine supports is H.264 and MPEG-4.

but i was able to use these mov files pre keyed before the 5.1 update

There’s a free tool called Handbrake you might want to use to get the movies running again. It is a conversion and compression tool I use for web applications