Hi, I can’t package even the simple 3d template in .3.
There was a time that it works in Beta mode and it works also fine in 4,10 and now it won’t work in both versions.
I have even de-install and re-install unreal editor but still the same build errors.
I have installed VS 2015 and also the tools correctly.
Does someone have a solution for this problem?
this is your problem ERROR: Couldn’t find target rules file for target ‘-Project=D:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\test\test.uproject’ in rules assembly ‘UE4Rules, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null’.
MainFrameActions: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)): UnrealBuildTool: Location: J:\Program Files
Hi, This file Games.uprojectdirs, should this created in Notepad++ as a textfile?
and should I type in the and directory where my projects file are?
I tried all described in the first link but that seams not working
I would suggest deleting your Intermediate, Config and Saved folder from your project. Once you’ve done that, check to see if you’re able to package your project or not. If you’re not able to, I would suggest to rebuild your project in Visual Studio such as the second link that Saeedc provided you.
Please let me know how it goes, any updated logs are greatly appreciated.
I installed UE on my second computer that has win 7 and is also a 64bit and the same processor i7 and there it builds perfectly.
My workstation has win 10.
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: ‘windows.h’: No such file or directory can be resolved by the following:
Ensure Windows SDK has been installed. You can download the [Windows 7 version here][1]. Here is the [SDK for Windows 10][2].
If you’re building the engine, ensure correct dependencies have been downloaded and extracted.
Error MSB3075 The command ““D:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\Engine\Build\BatchFiles\Build.bat” MyProject2 Win64 Development “D:\Users\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject2\MyProject2.uproject” -waitmutex” exited with code 5. Please verify that you have sufficient rights to run this command.
Please try the following:
Disable your Anti-Virus software
Run Visual Studio as an
Disable Smartscreen if it’s enabled.
If all else fails, you may need to rebuild. Please let me know how this works out for you!
Hi ,
I did everything what you described but nothing works.
When I open a simple 3d template in UE4 and try to build it it gives me the error as on top described.
Then I open VS 2015 and try to find the file it cannot find the project.
I must first make a c++ class on the project in UE4 and open it in the editor.
When I tryed to build or rebuild it gives me the error as above.
SDK is loaded and all the other tools.
I think I give it up for the moment and work on my project on my other computer that has win 7 and build my project very good.
Thanks for your understanding and answers.
Thank you for being so patient during this process. I am trying to get as much information so I can figure out exactly what’s going on, since all of the suggestions provided did not fix the issue at hand.
When you say open a simple 3D template, do you mean that you’ve created a brand new template yourself from a blank template, or are you using one of our base templates?
Can you screenshot the error from within Visual Studio? It’s simply not letting you build any project at all? Even if you choose a different template?
Hi , I’am using as a test the 3d template from UE.
This evening I did a test with the SunTemple project and did get the same error. This is what I do:
When I try to use VS 2015 outside of the Editor it can not find the Uproject. Then I make a rightclick on the project and try to generate projectfiles it says I should add a new class(c++) to it in the Editor.
I tryed that and get an error.
Then I can inside the Editor open VS 2015 and try to build and it give me another error. Outside the editor in VS still no file.
Can you try the suggestions provided in this [AnswerHub post][1]? When you’re following these steps, you might want to keep the file as a back up, just in case it does not work for you. That’s what I do, personally.
Hi, I did try the steps as described in the AnswerHub post but I think it was supposed for mac users.
I found those two files but there was no folder to delete.
I’dont want to spend more time to solve this strange happening.
So I deleted the Unreal engine and I’am going to work with it on my Win7 computer. In there all works perfectly for me.
Again, thank you for your time and help.
You’re very welcome for all time provided. Please let us know if you have any further questions. I personally haven’t had any troubles with Windows 7, so hopefully that is good luck to you.