Will it run on my laptop?


I wanted to buy the engine but I’m not sure if my laptop can run the engine

HD 8750M 2 GB
8 GB DDR3 1600
AMD A8 5557m Quad Core, 4x2.5 ghz

The AMD card is as fast as a GT 740M, but the engine isn’t optimized for AMD, only for Nvidia so I think the engine will run much worse on my system than on a equiavalent Nvidia system? Is this correct?


It will run since i saw it running on a lower PC (i3 2.4ghz and Intel gpu and was about @20/30 FPS) you can always lower settings like post process etc… and gain 20 more FPS, more than enough for testing and learning puproses

Thanks for the answer. 20/30 FPS on a Intel GPU? Sounds great! But I heard they will release a new build with better performance in a couple of months so I will wait for that one. How is the performance on AMD cards generally? I expect it to be much worse than on Nvidia because Epic said they working hard with Nvidia. Also do I need PhysX for the GPU particles or does it run on its own? Is a demo level like the Forest in Cryengine also included in UE4?


Well on a FX 8320 (ocra core @3.5ghz) and a hd7770 2gb ddr5 runs at 80fps and It’s a full AMD setup so i guess It’s not a nVidia only. You font nerd physx and yes there are alot of maps include in the marketplace. Hope this help.

Thanks for the information, that helped!

Oh god i’ve just seen what my phone corrector wrote ! I wanted to write “you don’t need” and “maps included” and It’s octa core ahah sorry