Will HoloLens still be supported in UE5.3?

As of the commit https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/2907946ca120389157988a4378e8eedc8e8730fd HoloLens vanished from the build platforms. Will this be a temporary change/fix or is this permanent? Probably related to UE-181802.

Edit: i guess this may be the answer https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/windows-11/microsoft-is-killing-its-windows-vr-platform-announces-deprecation-of-windows-mixed-reality


Are there any updates/offical statements regarding this?

Haven’t heard back so far but maybe this commit https://github.com/EpicGames/UnrealEngine/commit/f75f1d02d1a4e4749d117f39eb9a15f91d6db17d
indicates that they are still working on it. (Arm64EC Windows, in the openxr related files)

Hello, may I ask if you are using UE5 to package on Hololens and recording screens using Hololens? Is the model and UI relatively transparent. But UE4 wouldn’t?

I just looked at the UE5.3 documentation and found that Hololens2 has been removed from the supported XR devices. I think Hololens2 was also listed until the other day.

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Hello everyone

Is there any current news about the future plans for the Hololens 2 (or 3)/Windows Mixed Reality platform from Microsoft and the support for Hololens 2 in engine versions >= UE5.3 as to whether this will continue?

Things related to Microsoft:
Afaik many people related to the HoloLens left Microsoft and the only mention you still hear is their contract related to the military. Support is cut back to a minimum with sometimes inconsistent deprecation notices.

Things related to Unreal Engine:
I don’t think they will bring it back considering that they would develop for a (mostly) dead platform with costly labour.

On the bright side i’ve made a fork which brings back HoloLens2 to Unreal Engine 5.4.3 and fixes some issues related to shipping in rocket builds. Haven’t fully tested it at runtime yet but there is an issue related to sound streaming in debug builds.



Have you tested it yet? I’m still on 5.1 and there’s a few bug but getting through them and want to upgrade to 5.4 if possible.