I want to change spawnpoint, for that I need map mod. If I update it to my server, will it wipe out my existing structures etc etc on map?
I want to change spawnpoint, for that I need map mod. If I update it to my server, will it wipe out my existing structures etc etc on map?
I would say yes, because your map is not their map Otherwise it makes no sense, if you create a map mod which use data from another map.
Well I want to open theisland, edit stuff, and send to my server, that will delete the existing server data?
Mod the map your are using now.
So by moding theisland and uploading it, I should not get a wipe of server and all should work? :X
I cannot answer with total certainty on this one, but I believe as long as you backup your “Saved” folder in the Ark Server folder and replace it after adding in the new version of theisland it should just plug and play. I could be incorrect on this though, so please don’t quote me. The best way to test this in my opinion would be to make another server JUST for testing mods.
EDIT: I can test this tomorrow when my final 16gb of ram gets here (32 total then), and then I won’t need to worry about maxing my ram out with 2 servers open and the dev kit.
I’ll echo what’s been posted already and say my understand is that you’d have to edit the existing may you are using. That means if it’s on a VPS somewhere you’d have to shut down the game server, download the map, edit it, and then re-upload it. Always make backups!
Yeah its tricky. I dont know what stuff to save, what to backup, ehh I know that Saved is where my ark data stays, profiles, tribes, I dont know what file is for structures and items that I need to protect. Also not sure how to edit existing map I’m using. Am I to download it from server to hdd, then load it up in UE4 somehow, edit changes, reupload to server? I have full access to server so I can do anything with it really.
The new mod system in v185 will NOT wipe out existing save data on TheIsland. However if you substantially alter the stats of structures, etc, you may ask people who run your mod to remove their save data to get the full and proper experience, depending on what you are changing.
Wow thats fantastic ! Well I’ll wait the 21 mins left till 7, praying hard for release I’ll start testing then. Got 25% moded already in my 184 so got stuff to test :- )
And release got pushed 2h, well waiting patiently
If you are ever worried about losing your save game or if you just want to back it up. You can always make a copy of your ShooterGame/Saved folder like mentioned above. Specifically the contents of ShooterGame/Saved/SavedArks (or SavedArksLocal if you care about local play) contain the save files.
Woah thats great!
So I’ll back up the saved folder more often.
Is there a way to somehow check logs? Like when people play and create stuff, to see that data? What file is responsible for structures?
In the SavedArks folder you will see 3 filetypes for the most part:
*.arkprofile - Player data (mostly just persistent things like level)
*.arktribe - Similar to player data but keeps track of tribes
*.ark - Whole world state is in this file. This includes, all dinos, structures, physical players (pawns), items, etc…
Sadly there isn’t any detailed text logs for you to keep track of when people play or who built what at a certain time currently.
Yeah I looked them over in notepad. Not sure if the right tool for the job. Mostly I saw gibberysh. How can I properly open-read-edit that data? I wanted to be able to edit character stats + other stuff.
If i instead edit the core BP and then replace the vanilla ones on my server with the new edited core BP will others be able to join the server or will they have to get the changed core BP from me then replace their vanilla ones with the edited BP? (or simply just delete saved data file?) Or if i just make a MOD from the core BP how will i make them override the vanilla ones?