Will Blueprint limit me in the future?

Greetings community, Ive coded in unity3d for some time. Ive also been using Blueprints for about a year. It was fairly hard to grasp the concept of the Unreal PlayerController, States, Pawns etc compared to unity, but I managed to get a fair knowledge using Blueprints. The thing is, Ive enjoyed creating content solely using Blueprint and have completed small personal projects. I looked at some of the c++ code Unreal has, and although the syntax is fairly similar, Most of it seemed rather hard and I never really got into it (Im not a professional programmer by any means). Recently, I decided to start a much bigger project; learning additional feature/mechanics as I go. But what Ive heard is that Blueprints will limit you when you create larger games. Is this true? Will there be a performance hit?

I’m not going to say you won’t be limited, because there are things that are not exposed to blueprints.
You also won’t be modifying source without C++ and there are some things that just are easier to code in C++.

That said I do not believe you should worry, there have been whole games released on PS4 and others by UE4 using only Blueprints. If you truly don’t care for learning C++ then don’t worry and just continue as you are; and who knows, after you’ve made it a lot further perhaps there will be specific code you want to refactor into C++ and that will always be an option later.

Ultimately my advice is not to worry and continue with whatever makes you productive.

Thank you, Ill continue to work with BP

I’m not sure it’s possible to release a game on the PS4 with only blueprints; you’d surely need the native integration for that platform.

Anyway, you can do a lot with Blueprint, but there will be walls you will hit that you cannot work around without the need for native code. If you’re working on a project of any considerable size, I would consider working in both C++ and Blueprint; create a native code base class for all of your content as you go, and move code backwards into C++ when it starts to become large or unwieldy.

Hello Ambershee,

Please refer to the game Bears Can’t Drift!? by Arran Langmead


There will be more about them in Tuesday’s episode of the podcast.
Alternatively there is a blog post about them here:

It is possible that he had to do a little C++ code for native features if their game required it, but so far it seems like not much was needed.