Hello Everyone!
We have started a series called Wildcard Workshop where I bring you modding tutorials, tips & tricks, and best practices. If you are interested in learning how to make mods for ARK I encourage you to check it out.
New episodes are scheduled to release every other week.
- Wildcard Workshop #1: Getting Started
- Wildcard Workshop #2: Data, Logic, and Inheritance
- Wildcard Workshop #3: Building our First Mod
- Wildcard Workshop #4: Replication Overview
- Wildcard Workshop #5: Replication in Practice
- Wildcard Workshop #6: Config Options
- Wildcard Workshop #7: Cooking with Zen
- Wildcard Workshop #8: SaveGame Classes
- Wildcard Workshop #9: MultiUse
- Wildcard Workshop #10: User Interfaces
- Wildcard Workshop #11: Blueprint Interface
- Wildcard Workshop #12: Class Default Objects
- Wildcard Workshop #13: Event Dispatchers
- Wildcard Workshop #14: Version Control
- Wildcard Workshop #15: Bitmasks
- Wildcard Workshop #16: VSS Design Document
- Wildcard Workshop #17: VSS Setup
- Wildcard Workshop #18: VSS Structure Basics
- Wildcard Workshop #19: VSS Virtualization Process
- Wildcard Workshop #20: VSS UnVirtualization Process
- Wildcard Workshop #21: VSS Transition Material
- Wildcard Workshop #22: VSS Transition Material Timeline
- Wildcard Workshop #23: VSS Targeting List
- Wildcard Workshop #24: VSS Targeting Implementation
Please check out the link below for the entire playlist.