Wiki Code Tutorials

Get Enum From String

Dear Community,

I’ve added a new entry to my UE4 C++ Enum wiki!

I am giving you the code to get an enum value back from a string, after it was initially converted to a string!

UE4 Wiki Link

emplate <typename EnumType>
static FORCEINLINE EnumType GetEnumValueFromString(const FString& EnumName, const FString& String)
	UEnum* Enum = FindObject<UEnum>(ANY_PACKAGE, *EnumName, true);
          return EnumType(0);
	return (EnumType)Enum->FindEnumIndex(FName(*String));
//Sample Usage
EChallenge ChallengeEnumValue = //Initial Value

FString ParseLine = GetEnumValueAsString<EChallenge>("EChallenge", ChallengeEnumValue))); //To String

EChallenge Challenge = GetEnumValueFromString<EChallenge>("EChallenge", ParseLine);  //Back From String!
