Wiki Code Tutorials

AI Navigation, Custom Pathing Using Nav Modifiers, Nav Area Classes, and Query Filters

Dear Community,

I’ve just released a new wiki on how to use Nav Modifiers and Query Filters!

Wiki Link



Use Case: Electric Currents and 2 Types of Characters

In my example, I have two types of units.

The blue unit is immune to electricity, and does not need to path around electric currents.

The red unit bids us all a fond farewell if it passes thruogh an electric current.

So in case I can’t just block of areas that have electric currents completely from the nav mesh, or else the blue unit cannot pass through freely as it should be able to, taking a shortcut as a result.

is a case where Nav Modifiers and Query Filters really shine!

I only want to filter out certain sections of the nav mesh for the red unit, while still allowing the blue unit to pass through those areas freely.

**C++ Code**

Here's the code I used to make a BP Node that allows you to use custom Navigation Query Filters in Blueprints!

Notice the in-Editor documentation!



/** Move to Location with optional Query Filter! 
* 1. Create Custon Nav Area Classes. 
* 2. Use Nav Modifier Volumes to apply custom area class data within the level, then
* 3. Create Query Filters which alter/exclude those custom nav areas. 
* 4. Can then choose to use the filters per character or even per Move To using node. 
*  <3
* @param FilterClass - Allows different types of units to path in different ways all the time, or path differently per Move To using node!
* @param bProjectDestinationToNavigation - Whether to attempt to find a nearby point on the nav mesh below/above/close to the supplied point. Uses the Agent's Nav Extent for the projection
* @param bStopOnOverlap - Add pawn's radius to AcceptanceRadius
* @param bCanStrafe - Set focus related flag: bAllowStrafe
* @return Whether the Pawn's AI Controller is valid and goal can be pathed to
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "VictoryBPLibrary|AI Move To")
static EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type Victory_AI_MoveToWithFilter(
	APawn* Pawn, 
	const FVector& Dest, 
	TSubclassOf<UNavigationQueryFilter> FilterClass = NULL,
	float AcceptanceRadius = 0,  
	bool bProjectDestinationToNavigation = false,
	bool bStopOnOverlap = false,
	bool bCanStrafe = false




EPathFollowingRequestResult::Type UVictoryBPFunctionLibrary::Victory_AI_MoveToWithFilter(
	APawn* Pawn, 
	const FVector& Dest, 
	TSubclassOf<UNavigationQueryFilter> FilterClass ,
	float AcceptanceRadius , 
	bool bProjectDestinationToNavigation ,
	bool bStopOnOverlap ,
	bool bCanStrafe 
		return EPathFollowingRequestResult::Failed;
	AAIController* AIControl = Cast<AAIController>(Pawn->GetController());
		return EPathFollowingRequestResult::Failed;
	return AIControl->MoveToLocation(
		bStopOnOverlap, 	//bStopOnOverlap
		true,						//bUsePathfinding 
		bCanStrafe,			//bCanStrafe
		FilterClass			//<~~~

