Wiki Code Tutorials

how would you go about decompressing the file and then loading the saved info?

I show you how to decompress and load the data in section of my Binary Save System wiki:

Loading Compressed Binary Data

**C++ Code For You**

Here's the code most relevant to your question:


//Load the Compressed data array
	TArray<uint8> CompressedData;
	if (!FFileHelper::LoadFileToArray(CompressedData, *FullFilePath))
		Optimize("FFILEHELPER:>> Invalid File");
		return false;
	// Decompress File 
	FArchiveLoadCompressedProxy Decompressor = 
		FArchiveLoadCompressedProxy(CompressedData, ECompressionFlags::COMPRESS_ZLIB);
	//Decompression Error?
		Optimize("FArchiveLoadCompressedProxy>> ERROR : File Was Not Compressed ");
		return false;
	FBufferArchive DecompressedBinaryArray;
	Decompressor << DecompressedBinaryArray;
	//		  Read the Data Retrieved by GFileManager
	FMemoryReader FromBinary = FMemoryReader(DecompressedBinaryArray, true); //true, free data after done



SaveLoadData uses the Memory Reader Archive to put the supplied data back in the variables, which are passed in by reference.

You could also pass in a UStruct or an actor that was spawned and then fill in the appropriate variable data that way!

