Wiki Code Tutorials

AI Dodge Wiki

Dear Community,

I’ve put up a wiki on how to quickly and easily implement an AI dodge mechanic!


I discuss:

  1. Obtaining the perpedicular to the direction of the AI unit to its target

  2. Picking which way to dodge

  3. Choosing how far to dodge along the perpedicular

  4. How to ensure the UE4 Navigation System will find the dodge point on the nav mesh

  5. How to do all easily using FVector::RotateAngleAxis

**My C++ Code For You**


void AIDodge(bool DodgeRight=true, float Distance=256); //.h
void AYourAIClass::AIDodge(bool DodgeRight, float Distance) 
	//Location of unit who wants to dodge sideways, presumed to be facing target already
	FVector UnitLocation = GetActorLocation();
	FVector DirectionToActor = (OtherActor->GetActorLocation() - UnitLocation ).GetSafeNormal();
	//Optional, Ensure UE4 Nav mesh point will be found.
	DirectionToActor.Z = 0;
	//Rotate the direction by 90 to get perpendicular of direction to actor
	FVector Perpendicular = DirectionToActor.RotateAngleAxis(90,FVector(0,0,1));
	//Dodging to relative Left or Right?
	Perpendicular *= (DodgeRight) ? 1 : -1;
	//Tell Unit to move 256 units along perpendicular
	FVector GoalLocation = UnitLocation + Perpendicular * Distance;
	//Tell unit to move to location
	AAIController* AIControl = Cast<AAIController>(GetController());
	  AIControl->MoveToLocation(GoalLocation,0); //Optional Acceptance Radius

