Wiget Component Flipped on iOS devices

I just starting using the widget components (in 3d blueprint) and everything seems to work pretty good. However, whenever I deploy and run on iOS (iPad Mini) the widgets are flipped.

If I add a widget the normal way (to viewport) everything looks fine. It is the 3d component widget that doesn’t seem to show correctly.

Look at the screenshot below. It shows a 3d mesh with a backdrop that also has a few widget components that have a button and text floating above it. Whenever this runs on iOS devices the widgets are flipped over on their x axis to where they show up mirrored/upside down. So where you see Level name the button appears on the top and the text is on the bottom (reflected).

Howdy jeffvoigt,

Thank you for reporting this issue. I have attempted to quickly reproduce the error and have been unsuccessful in doing so. I have followed this Documentation to help with the setup of the Widget: https://docs.unrealengine.com/latest/INT/Engine/UMG/HowTo/Create3DWidgets/index.html

Would you be able to share which version of UE4 you are using and if that version is a binary build or a source build? Also, Would there be a way that I may be able to reproduce this issue internally by following a set of simple repro steps?

Any additional information would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!

version 4.6 build from source. I used a umg widget component placed inside of a blueprint. The widget just had a button and text. We use remote build to compile it remotely on a mac then deploy it to an iPad mini. The issue only appears when running it on the iPad mini.

Howdy ,

Thanks again for reporting this issue. I have been able to recreate the issue in the 4.6.1 version of UE4. I have also tested this issue on the 4.7 preview and the issue is no longer occurring. I would caution updating your project to that preview because the build is an unstable one and can possibly create other issues with your project. You may want to open a copy or wait for the 4.7 release. I have also tested this UMG issue with our internal build and the issue is not occurring on that build either.

Please let me know if you have any further questions about this issue.

Thanks and have a great day!