Wifi signal demands when running tethered, untethered Quest VR applications.

Hi, a client has informed us that the WiFi capabilities at his location are almost none existent. We’re pulling together an architectural VR presentation for him to aid in selling new houses he’s building. This package being, stand alone VR on the headset, tethered to a PC and desktop application. My question is do you think there will be any issues with this pipeline with a very low WiFi capability? We know downloading the executable files at his end will take longer, but will there be any general underlying issues when running the presentation at his location with such low signal performance? It’s never been a question we’ve had to answer as everyone now seems to have good WiFi. Thanks guys.

Hi there. Curious how this went? We are also planning to introduce standalone VR apps local on the headset/streamed from a laptop taken to site. Usually these are places with very poor WiFi, commonly public access as well.

Hi, apologies for not seeing your reply, I wasn’t emailed of it.
Our presentation was problem free. We had the powerful PC that we took with us, and a tethered Quest 2 and found no underlying issues, or need for involvement, from their low signal Wi-Fi, presumably because it’s not at all essential to the process.

as long as the comp is wired to the router, the quest can use the local wifi throught the router to the computer.
The internet itself can be unplugged, as long as the comp and quest are wired to the same router they will work together.

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