Wierd ram usage

Hi !

I’m seeing strange memory usage behaviour and would like to fix it ( if it’s a problem on my side )

  1. When i start the engine it take around 2.5Go of ram ( normal ) ( it’s start on my main menu map, empty map with one actor to play sound and GUI loaded on play )

2)if i load from engine a simple ( not empty, it has some objects but is still small) “test” lvl memory go around 3/3.2 Go ( normal )

  1. if i play in PIE on that “test” lvl memory doesn’t really move ( still around 3/3.2Go )

now, if i close everything, do 1) again, and then do :

2bis) Play in PIE in main main menu, memory stay the same ( around 2.5Go )

3bis) from my main menu i open “test” lvl ( from a 2 node blueprint ), memory go around 9-11Go

4bis) i stop PIE ( memory go back to arround 6.5Go )

5bis) if i do again 2bis) and 3bis) memory go arround 7.5 Go

what could explain surch behaviour ? on bigger level, it can go to 25Go

i did 2 memReport and on the wierd behaviour one i got a crazy number for one line (and only ‘6’ in the “good behaviour” report) :
18446744072765568400 - Async File Handle Memory - STAT_AsyncFileMemory

What could i do to track the issue further ? i’ve read somthing about mem leak report but looks like it need an engine recompile

thanks for any tips on that !

attached: the memReport file

other info :
c++ project
UE 4.19 from luncher



Not really an answer, but I also had insane memory leaks on 4.19 launcher c++ project simply by letting the editor open. When I used this engine version for Particles I even had hiccups/freezes for a whole second or two every minute. There was also a huge forum post about this. Epic said the culprit was NVIDIA Aftermath and they disabled it by default on 4.20. There is a chance you can disable this on 4.19 and don’t have this issue anymore, but not sure how that worked out for people on the forum post anymore.


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