widgets with EnhancedInputAction nodes fails to initialize bindings in 5.5

I have an action bar that has enhanceinputaction nodes within it in order to use keybindings to trigger the buttons instead of having to do mouse clicks via the UI input mode. Upon upgrading to 5.5, it no longer worked. I discovered the changes in this diff

While debugging I discovered my action bar, which is embedded into my main hud widget, no longer has bAutomaticallyRegisterInputOnConstruction set despite the fact that the CDO for the widget blueprint class does. Is this in the intended behavior? I tried recompiling all my widgets but this did not fix the problem.

My current workaround is overriding NativeOnInitialized within my custom userwidget class and setting the value of the instance’s bAutomaticallyRegisterInputOnConstruction to the CDO’s value, which does seem to work. Debugging the actual setting of bAutomaticallyRegisterInputOnConstruction seems to make it ping-pong from set to unset while startup occurs. Fortunately it seems like the final state of the CDO is set when appropriate and so the workaround can be successful.