Hi all… I have encountered a serious problem in unreal engine 5… I created a simple game, and for further testing, I packaged it. The game has a series of different UI widget functions, and while they all worked in PIE fine, they stopped working completely in the packaged game. in case you are wondering what my maps and modes are, or how I may have set up the widgets, I’ll include an example of both.
The basic overlay widget which I created Is connected to a sequence node outside of the picture… The sequence node is connected directly to the begin play widget. the only other thing connected to the sequence node is a mouse sensitivity multiplier. So that really shouldn’t affect the widgets at all.
Have you tried something else from “Add to Player Screen”? I mostly use ‘Add to Viewport’ BUT I am working with UE4, not 5 so there may be different names or it may be gone from this version
Also, are ALL of your Widgets affected?
You can also try making a HUD Class that will contain all of those Widgets and Functions to open/close them
You can easily get access to your HUD by using “Get HUD” and then Cast to YourCustomHUD to get the Functions you have there
Also you can try adding some PrintString nodes to see if it even triggers in the game at all
NOTE: PrintString doesn’t work if you package for Shipping, Development Package allows using them as well the Console on tilde button
Sometimes all you have to do is to remove the piece of code and recreate (not copy and paste back), this helped me once when in a packaged VR game my BPI for grabbing wasn’t working
Another tip - create a new Project that’s totally blank, migrate your actual Project there and test
Just make sure you set your Defaults back to what it should be (especially Maps and Modes and the Inputs)