I recently ran into the problem of widgets not being displayed anymore. I Create them as usual and add them to viewport, but they aren’t displayed.
I also saved my WBP_Hud as a variable which is valid. So the widget is created and valid.
I have also tried adding other widgets, like a widget with simply a white image to the viewport, which is the Test widget of screenshot 1, with the same result. It just doesn’t get displayed.
This also happens when trying to load the MainMenu widget with the Levelblueprint of the MAP_MainMenu.
The sample HUD, which inherits from HUD and which I am currently using for displaying the crosshair, works fine.
I really don’t know whats going on and I haven’t been able to find someone else having the same problems as I do yet.
Hi, DisplayStartWidgets is a function of a Character?
When are you calling DisplayStartWidgets?
The DisplayStartWidgets’s owner is being loaded when you hit Play in the editor?
The DisplayStartWidgets is called on EventBeginPlay of the PlayerCharacter.
I used a seperate Event for debugging, since i tried to load a couple of other widgets and didn’t want to clean up EventBeginPlay afterwards.
I wasn’t able to fix the problem nor to really narrow the problem down.
I also tried to simply copy the Widgets to other projects and it worked there. I am sure there was no mistake in adding Widgets to viewport.
So my solution was to completely reset the project.
Since I had other random problems I assume there might have been an issue with creating the project on UE5 preview.