Hi everyone
Started to get the hang of UE5 now after a few months but this has really stumped me and I can not for the life of me get it to work.
Currently I have 2 widgets, one is the base and the other is the purchasable slot that players would be able to buy a weapon. With in the weapon widget is different text boxes for the info like “name” “cost” and so on. I have 4 child weapons from the master blueprint which gives all its variables including its name and cost.
My issue is that anything i try to set the text of the name is either just not happening and being ignored or is coming back saying it accessed none. I haven’t even gotten close to getting a name or something in the box. Even if i cast directly to one of the weapons it still doesnt find the name.
Any help would be great thanks as currently I have no idea.
For a reference, this is basically the type of thing i’m going for below.
And these are my blueprints that should be working together to create a weapon name.