Hello every1.
I was trying to make a simple damage/heal system and when i was trying to make some nice numbers appearing so the player would know his damage/heal to make the game more interesting i found a possible bug.
I tried to find the solution but found nothing until now and im getting crazy with this so here i m asking for help!
Im talking about Multiplayer game here btw.
here is the problem:
with 1 or 2 players it works fine!
but when i try to heal/damage 3 players at same time (AOE skill) it doesnt set 1 of the player widget visibility back to hidden:
it stays visible even if i try to heal again. Value changes, everything works fine but widget component stays visible forever.
here is the Event that fires when a player gets Healed (Server):
this will call the Event " Client Damage Widget Update" that will run on the client of the player who healed this guy (healer client).
so he can see a widget on top of each player he healed with his “ammount of heal”.
(The server will call this Event on the healer client for each player who got healed)
Here is the log so you can see where the Print Screens take place.
As you can see on the Log there are 3 “healed”(this one fires on the “On heal Received” Event) ; 2 “On damage” (cuz one of the 3 is the healer and i made it that the widget only spawns for players != than self) ; only 1 “Turn OFF widget” so only 1 of them will be setted to hidden so the other 1 will stay visible as you can see in the 1st image.
Also i tested it without the delay node and it works, both of them got hidden but i really need the delay there otherwise it would not make sense to have this functionallity!
Thank you for your help!