I’m making a project using the HTC Vive, and focusing on interaction mechanics. I’ve currently got a Main Menu 3D widget in the scene which allows the play to change map, or go through various submenu’s (e.g. Options, Leaderboard, Credits, etc.). All of the submenus are set up within a widget switcher, and I can access them all from the main menu. Once i’ve changed widget index to one of the submenus once though, the widget doesn’t seem to detect any input again.
I’ve tested my game starting from various widget indexes and can always change my switcher index once before input stops, and i’ve got an ‘Is over interactable widget?’ branch in place which is outputting false after switching widget index.
EDIT: The game is picking up the ‘Is Over Interactable Widget?’ node and logging out as true, misread on of my error logs.
Does anyone know any way around this, and / or why it’s happening?
Thanks in advance.