In my project I have a pretty simple pause menu. when the player presses the button, it opens a widget and pause the game (checked using the level blue print).
And then if it presses the same button it removes the widget from parent and un-pause the game.
However for some reason when I try to press the button 3rd time, it seems to go to the button check in the widget rather than the level even though I removed the widget from parent (it doesn’t show the widget, my game is un-paused only the button press stays).
Does anyone has any idea why something like that might happen and how to fix it?
The nodes inside the level blue print:
The nodes inside the pause widget:
In this picture you can see it first goes to the level blue print (the “???” print) as the player
is currently in the level pressing the pause button. Then it goes to the widget blue print (Hello!!!) as the player closing the widget.
But for some reason after returning to the level it doesn’t trigger the level blue print anymore (the “???” print), but the widget one instead (the “Hello!!!” print).