Hi! The widgets I am placing in my canvas panel act strangely, as far as I can see. I have 3 buttons, all anchored on the top left of the canvas panel. When they are placed on the left side of the canvas panel, the position I set them to be on in the canvas panel matches what the game shows when I hit “Play in new window”. (as shown below)
However, when my button widgets are placed on the right side of the canvas panel, their positions in the editor isn’t the same as it is in the game. The buttons for some reason shift a little bit to the left in the game window. (as shown below)
The anchor should be set to somewhat match the position of the widget. That is, if you want the button to be on the right side, it should be anchored to the right, otherwise the widget will move depending on the scale/resolution/aspect ratio of the game viewport/window
Ok, interesting, thank you! Can you tell me more about anchors in general then, please? I am pretty new to UE5 and I’m not sure I completely understand what they are. As I understood it, my widget’s position is set relative to the anchor, but that wouldn’t explain why the anchor should somewhat match the position of the widget.