Widget not getting saved - is this a BUG?

Everything worked great for about 2 months… did some coding today and now for some reason one particular widget will not save a child widget inside… it keeps the outline and name of widget but the items inside are not there… very weird.

Heres the layout widget with “inventory” child widget correctly placed…

but if I save and exit when I load it back up… the “inventory” child widget is missing all its contents… see below…

is there a way to fix this? I have tried deleting the “save” and “intermediate” folders but it still does not get saved correctly

Again… this worked fine for the past 2 months… not sure what I did to change this issue or if its a strange bug that refuses to save this particular widget correctly.

Any ideas?

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this bug?

I tried “replenish nodes” and did a search for “transient” and “REINST” to see if that would fix this issue… but not sure what to try next.

I hope for your sake that you don’t reference that widget in your UMG code. I think you’ll have to delete it and place it again.

Actually do have a bunch of references in the particular widget to other instances so I am trying to figure out a way to fix this rather than re-do it (also incase this happens again it would be nice to know if theres a way to fix this)