Widget- Multiple functions writing to the same variable

Had two days of this and I can’t take any more. I’m going to have to ask for help.
In my HUD blueprint I have a grid panel contiaining a number of Text variables, which are each bound to different functions but, for some reason, all of the functions write to the first variable (highlighted)
Anyone have any ideas why this is happening? Is there a better way to display a hit/miss (tally) score?

Think you’ll have to post a screenshot of the widget blueprint code to be able to see what it’s doing behind the scenes… Might also be an idea to post this on the blueprinting page…

Each function created by the bind has a different text variable assigned yes?

Thanks for the responses. I’ve solved the problem. I had an index counter that wasn’t incrementing, because the counter was inside the launcher/spawner blueprint, and I was testing using 4 different launchers/instances, the index only incremented after every cycle of each of the 4 lauchers. I set up the increment in the game mode blueprint and everything works as it should.
Took nearly all night to figure it out, but I got there eventually. Finally a proper scoring system for clay shooting score cards!