Widget menu cursor click

I have an inventory menu that is a widget. When I press Tab, the menu opens. The mouse doesn’t register the first click in the menu, but it does the second click. This is the same for my main menu, which only has Start and Quit. I need to click twice to select one of these options. Is there any way to make it one click only?

In Project Settings → Engine → Input, there are Viewport Properties… Try check the Default Viewport Mouse Capture Mode.

Capture Permanently, Including Initial Mouse Down should fix your issue.

That option was turned on by default and that does not fix the issue. I’m having the same issue as OP.

When you create the widget, set the “Input Mode to UI Only”. Then when you remove the widget, set the “Input Mode to Game Only”.

Plug the Player Controller reference into ‘Target’ and the Widget reference into ‘In Widget to Focus’.

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That done the trick, Appreciate it!

Thank you very much! That worked.