Widget is set to visible but does not show up in viewport.

I have a widget that I created so when the player clicks on a planet it will show the stats and all other goodies. I have it set up like I would with any other type of actor that utilizes an info widget in my game such as: buildings, units, vehicles etc. They all work, but not my planet. I tried creating a new level and project and it still does not appear on screen. I also tried just placing the entire setup in my player controller and manually attaching it to a keystroke to see if it will even appear. It just won’t show up what so ever. Hell, I even tried setting the Z order to 1000 just to see if it would make a difference in the Zorder of “add to viewport” node, and in the properties of the widget file itself.

That is the set up I have here. Am I doing it in the wrong order?

This is the current designer set up as well.

What would a good troubleshooting checklist look like for situations like this?
Make sure the visibility enum value is set to 0 which is visible? I did that and print string confirms it. Not sure, maybe I am staring at the screen for too long and it is an obvious thing I missed.

I am having the same issue, I create a widget and add to viewport, and save a reference to the widget in a map variable in my Game Instance.

I set widget to Collapsed, and then set the Visibility of the Widget to Not-Hit Testable and the Widget does Not appear? Tried setting Z-order and does nothing. I have tried centering widget in viewport (set position in viewport) after making visible as well. I have also tested the variable with reference and returns valid when I check the variable after it has been collapsed.

Anyone have any clue what is happening?

I found error in my code… :frowning:
A test creating a widget and add to viewport, delay of 2 secs, Collapse Widget, Delay 2 Secs, set widget visible in HUD Blueprint worked fine. After test i found error in my code.