I am trying to make a VR Scene with a 3D Widget inside the space which is Set in Cylindrical Geometry mode with some Curvature and has few clickable buttons in it.
The buttons are able to click fine with Widget Interaction component. The issue is with the Hit Result of the Widget Interaction Component (“GetLastHitResult” node/function). it’s not returning the location where it’s meeting the Widget (CylindricalGeometry), instead it’s returning the location where it’s hitting the Plane’s Geometry collision (Plane has a collision. attached image for ref.). I have set a Green Sphere mesh with no collisions to visualize this.
Attached images for the same. Any help in getting the correct location of the point where the WidgetInteraction hits the Cylindrical geometry would be appreciated.
Script to place the Visualize Sphere at hit point
Widget Component Settings

Widget Interaction Component Settings