ETA: Found the “Size to Content” toggle. Why that isn’t the default kinda stumps me, but at least things are the right size now. Would still like to know if there’s a better way to do this kind of 2d animation, something that’s reasonable for a very beginner user (not beginner for coding, just for Unreal, but I’m still in the Blueprints stage and intend to stay here for a while because Blueprints turn out to be awesome).
I just got done constructing a series of words that I want to appear on the screen in sequence, in specific places, for a sort of cut scene. I’m not advanced enough yet to know the best way to achieve this effect, but I have figured out how to make the Widgets work, basically, and since I know that, I figured it wouldn’t be too difficult to get the widget to operate on a timer and display one word at a time.
So I made an image the exact size of the screen, drew all the words on it, and saved the words individually as PNG files where the amount of space on two sides fits them to the screen. For example, the first word is close to the top left side, so I cut away the extra space on the right and the bottom; I figure if I just stick it in there and line it up with the top and left sides, it’ll be in exactly the correct place. Other words will “anchor” to the bottom right, bottom left, etc.
Problem is, when I try to stick them on the widget itself, they get ported in really small. Really tiny, compared to the screen size, and while the files are all different sizes, the widget-imported ones all seem to be the same size, which says to me they’re getting shrunk and then stretched to fit some predetermined “widget appropriate” size.
I will probably be mucking about stretching them into place in a couple minutes here, but I want to know: What am I supposed to do to make them port in in exactly the dimensions I created them? Or what settings do I set to make them non-stretched, non-shrunk, entirely the size I want them to be?
Secondary question would be “What is the way I ought to be doing this sort of animation?” – Paper2d-style sprite-based words appearing in a timed sequence – but I just tried working out the Matinee feature and concluded I was a long way from understanding how it worked and it seems more likely to be awesome for 3d stuff I’ll be adding later rather than the 2d sequence I’m thinking of now. So I may not be ready for whatever way is the “correct” way. Or maybe someone could explain it to me in a simple way.
But, I do need to understand how the widgets work, and how to get the images to show up in the right size. That’d be helpful.