Hi, I have managed to bind my healthbar so when player takes damage it goes down (HUD) as expected. My issue is that I have added a hunger bar which also goes down on the hud, but when hunger reaches 0 I want it to impact the healthbar.
The player once hunger is at 0 will be impacted and his health will go to 0 and die so it works. Problem is the health bar percentage displayed in the HUD only goes down when player takes damage but not when hunger is 0.
Thank you for the information. I’ve tried searching youtube but my issue is a bit too specific. The whole thing works but my hubbar graphic only goes down when player is hurt by a box colllision.
When hunger reaches 0, then the health counts down and player does die. I just can’t see it graphically on the hud.
Just for clarity: As i’m obviously new at this. I have a stamina system with a working hud. I can lose stamina by running (LeftShift) or by Jumping (Spacebar). two seperate actions working fine. Is it something to do with the Float? (Health) as my Interger (stamina) works?
P.s. Is that a custom function or event you mentioned?