I have weird problem with my slider and others widget elements.
I guess widget elemets cloning itselves. So you can see problem in this screenshot or video:
[- YouTube][1]
Are you sure you’re not spawning the very same widget more than once? Could you show us the code that creates and adds the widget to the viewport?
Also, in order to debug this, GetAllWidgetOfClass and print the length of the resulting array - I’m pretty sure it’s going to be longer than one.
I found the problem, Event begin play fires twice. But why?
There can be many reasons, the first that comes to mind is that the object is present twice in the level. Which blueprint creates the widget?
Are you sure both of the Hellos come from the Level Blueprint?
Do you load any level?
Just to clarify: any actor can have a Begin Play event and ALL of them will fire as soon as the game starts. Even if you dynamically add an actor during play, its Begin Play node will fire as well.
Sure, you can see in this video: https://youtu.be/u5TTcbm_kgw
I have just one level.
That is odd, indeed. Are you doing something with multiplayer?!
Nope. I am making a architectural project for a fair. I’m using UE4 for 3+ years and never seen an issue like this… Probably i will create a new project.
Not sure what to say apart from the fact that I do not know how to reproduce something like that.
And your default map setting are pretty standard?
If you ever figure it out, do drop a message here!
Yep, I checked every setting that came to mind. I created a new Level and everything is fine. But still weird issue in old one. I told you, im using 3+ years UE4 but never seen before like this problem xD
I gave up. I will move my level to new one. This way seems easier for solving problem.
Fair enough. Oh, well. That was intriguing. Good luck with the project.