Bug Report:
Version: 1623704
Install Path: C:\users\Markus\Rocket\
Specs: Win7, 16GB, GTX580, UAC on
Is there any way to be able to minimize or exit out of widgets (i.e. Quick Browser, etc) when the menus are docked? Currently widget close and minimize are only available when they aren’t docked. The widgets could stand to be minimized or closed when they are docked as well.
It should be noted that I had the above issue when I first loaded the editor. Similarily, I can’t seem to get the widgets to dock again once I’ve already closed them and opened them from the windows menubar. I’ve tried moving a widget to the right hand side, only to not be able to dock it again. Mine is a two monitor setup, I don’t know if that could be part of the complication.
Of course, there’s just plain old user error too :). In which case, I need a lesson on how to get widget docking working properly in Unreal.
Repro Steps:
Undock one of the widgets in Rocket. You’ll see that a minimize and close button appear when they’re undocked. When you dock them again, however, they disappear and so does the functionality along with it.
Close and minimize available on docked UI. And to be able to dock widgets again once the menus have closed.
Hey Markus,
I was a little confused here, you should not be capable of docking Widgets. To clarify, widgets are the icons that appear to “Move, Rotate and Scale” an object, I think you may mean Tabs (Sub-menus).
Right-clicking on the menu’s tab name should being up a pop-up that asks “Hide Tab” or 'Close Tab" These should be what you’re looking for.
If that does not help, let me know and I’ll find a different solution.
No actually that wasn’t /quite/ what I meant. Yes, I probably should have clarified – since widgets in UE4’s case are the icons. I meant the sub menus.
It turns out that to make the stuff dock or undock, you have to select the icon of the tab and move it from its docked station. And if it’s undocked, you grab it by the icon and then move it back to this yellow icon on the right hand side to dock it again. Took me a while to figure out, heh.
But attached is what I’m saying. You see how when it’s docked, the exit and minimize buttons are now gone? Whereas if the menu is NOT docked, then the buttons are present. I could right click on the tabs and do what you showed above, but why go through the trouble of switching my expectations like that?
(I can’t figure out how to get multiple attachments to work for this system… so I’m posting the direct links until I find an alternate way to submit this)
Oh I understand now. Yes, I can see the inconsistency with tabs and windows minimizing and closing. I’m going to create a feature request that all tabs have buttons for minimize and close when docked. I’ll also reference this post for more details.
Until this is changed, what I described before is the work-around. If there is anything else, let me know.
Here we go. Figured out you had to add a semi-colon after each image reference to get multiple attachments. Sorry for the double post.