Hey there,
So today Im trying to understand dialogue.
I have a kind of story book style game on the go atm So its not traditional dialogue, Its essentially a widget that shows an image/text From a data table in a simple form.
The issue Im having is trying to do this on mass, I can get single events to look clean but Getting many many events without just hundreds of event save booleans is proving tricky.
This is currently it in a simple form.
Goes into the do once, saves it, It makes the widget visible and builds the widget. Once the chapter is done, It makes the widget invisible and normal gameplay continues.
So My question is why does this feel so inefficient?
Im going to try and put the booleans into an array or map of sorts which I think will make it feel significantly less bulky in terms of saving loads and loads of event booleans.
Thank yee. Any help or cleaner way of doing it would be mucho appreciated.
Ill redit if I make any progress.
Well this is my horribly janky but working solution xD.
Essenitally whenever a story section is triggered, I slap a load and save in between a do once and a triggered custom event in the story section. Which seems to work pretty well.
I still believe there is a signifcantly better way to do it lol. But this works For the time being.
I just need to work out how to put the inital into an array to cut down on a huge amount of variables in the blueprint for every event and Im there.
Well…I think this is it. The green Outlined area I just copy and paste whereever I want Story to happen and only having to change whats outlined in red.
I type In a new event in format. Then change the outgoing trigger for the story pages.
Boom done.
Im defo sure theres better ways, hopefully this helps someone as Im kinda proud of it in a wierd way.
Anyway thanks for reading