Widget Component set to screen space does not render for Listen Server but renders for Clients.

Hi, I am on Unreal 5.5.0 and have a bug that caused the listen server to not display a widget above the other pawns in the server other than itself. The connected clients however were able to see the widget above all the pawns accordingly.

Some of the things I tested:

  1. Setting the widget component from screen-space to world-space. Which works fine for the host and clients, but looks weird.

[Wold Space]


[Screen Space]

  1. Downgrading my project to Unreal 5.4.4 and rebuilding the project which seemed to have fixed the issue. But I would like to know if it’s possible to make it work in 5.5.0

  2. Replaced the WidgetComponent.h and .cpp file in the 5.5 engine files with 5.4’s WidgetComponent Files. Did not fix the issue, I am guessing the bug might not even be the Screen/World Space option at this point.

  3. Unreal 5.5 release notes suggest that there was a bug fix for the widgets. Not sure if it’s relevant to the bug I’m having though.

  • “Fix Screen Space widgets not working in split screen”

  • “Fixed an issue where the interface of other players was not hidden when split-screen was disabled.”

Is there a work around for this? Any help is greatly appreciated.


same issue


Yes i am currently facing the same issue. They have not fixed it with the 5.5.1 update.

Found a workaround:
Instead of adding of WidgetComponent to your blueprint, create another blueprint that CONTAINS a WidgetComponent. Then add to your original blueprint your new blueprint as a child actor.

In my case :
I have a BP_Player that now contains a BP_PlayerNameWidget, which itself contains the WidgetComponent. It seems to work fine.


doesn’t work for me. the widget component in the child actor is invisible when playing

Update, it works ! Thanks @Spinker so much

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