Widget component is invalid in packaged build, but totally fine in editor?

I had a problem for a while I’ve been trying to narrow down, which I’ve found is because a widget component I have on an actor is not valid when I package the game.

It was totally fine for like 6 months by the way, it only started causing problems out of nowhere in the past couple days, and that logic has been untouched.

If I use an Is Valid node, true or false, it will show it’s false in packaged game, true in editor. It’s simply a widget component in a character BP.

I can do a workaround and basically recreate that widget component in runtime and set a variable to refer to it instead, but that seems largely inefficient, and it doesn’t really answer the question as to why this is even happening in the first place.

I tried validating assets, refreshing all nodes, not really sure what else I can do. Any other widget component is acting just fine by the way, even another one on the same actor. I’m doing a full rebuild, the asset obviously exists and is included in the build as well since I can create the same widget in runtime.

that logic has been untouched

Is it literally of figuratively? The only similar problem i’m aware of, is when you change component’s string name in c++ constructor of parent class - in this case bp’s version of variable may become null instead of intended value and afaik there is no fix for this, besides reverting the name or creating the new variable with new string name