I have a computer and I added widget component in it. When I present a widget in my computer’s screen, my widget’s color and sharpness looks different then the original.
When I change User Interface as Screen; It looks like the original one.
How can I present my widgets on PC Screen like the original one?
Widget Components in World Space mode simply do not offer the same quality & performance - there are major compromises to them living in 3D space. Some things you could do:
Ensure to make a copy of the material before you apply any changes.
depending on the how it’s supposed to work, perhaps it’d be feasible to switch to a Screen Space widget once the user zooms onto the computer screen. Similar to what can be seen in the animation in this post:
And the final result:
It may not be in line with the design of the project, of course. Just a thought!
Same as suggested above. Note how the full screen close-ups look - they’re in Screen Space.
You could not use a widget at all. You could use a widget retainer and texture any surface yourself. It will look much better but you will not be able interact with the widget in world space any more.
I reviewed your suggestions here. Thank you for detailed explanation in that topic. When I run your sample project I found widget itself color and widget color on Plane doesn’t look the same.
Is there any possible way to fix that color washed out?