"Widget Can't accept additional children." How to fix?


I am creating a widget/menu.
I’ve added a Border and it has to have 3 children buttons.
I’ve added the first button and initially it was scaled up to 100% width and 100% height.
I’ve changed the scale to needful and then tried to add the second button.
But UE5 Says - “Widget Can’t accept additional children.”
Probably because the initial size of the button is 100% width and 100% height, and obviously there is no enough space to add it because of the first button.

Please let me know, how to add the second button? How can I set up the initial size of it to let it fit into the layout?

Thank you.

Hey @Naiuma

a border widget can only contain one child. So you need to add another container (Horizontal Box, Vertical Box, etc) into the border to add your buttons.

– Horizontal Box
— Button1, Button2, Button3


Oh yeah, indeed! Thank you, L1z4rD89!

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Ty for the hint. I was going to ask what is the complete list. I found that Grid Panel is good for:

  • replacement for Canvas Panel (which may have absolute screen position problems - bad if I put it in another Actor but want it centered?)
  • can have multi children
  • can use for layering, without needing to use the Grid option (keep all children Rows set to 0, and they layer instead).
  • can have layers (Z order) that I wanted from Canvas Panel - it is called “Layer” in Grid Panel > child > Right panel settings.
    ** FYI/self reminder there are 2 settings terms that UMG uses for layering - good for icons w/ text stats: Z order and Layer. So search for both if your widget element doesn’t have the prior setting in details panel.

This site explains how to use at “Tip 3” :

Thank you, it make sense now.