Yes, absolutely it’s possible! I just figured this out on my own yesterday and here’s how you do it.
I assume you have something like a menu with buttons on it and one of those buttons will open another hud widget. Well, the complexity differs depending on what you are trying to accomplish but here’s the basis for it.
On your Widget 1 select the On Press bind event. This can be whatever best suits your needs so you may prefer on release for example.
Inside this you will need to create a new variable and name it PlayerControllerRef Set the type of variable to your player controller. Set it to Expose on Spawn and Instance editable. Compile
Drag the player controller ref variable into the blueprint as GET.
Drag off of that player controller variable and type create widget. Do that, create widget. Make sure context sensitive is checked to avoid looking for it.
In this new widget dialog, select the widget you want to come up next. So Widget 2.
Drag over player controller ref into the player controller ref slot (assuming you have one).
You can pass other things here assuming widget 2 has exposed references. This is important to know because you may want to pass over variables etc…
In the return value, drag it off and promote to variable. Name it whatever you want, it’s a reference for your Widget 2. Make sure that the variable type is the widget 2 reference.
Connect the nodes together and then after setting the new reference variable, drag off the white node thing and search for “add to viewport”. Connect the widget 2 reference variable that was just set to the target of the viewport node.
Drag off from the viewport and search for set visibility.
From here drag your widget 2 reference variable as GET and connect it to the visibility target. Make sure you select Visible in the dropdown.
Optional: If you want to keep passing the player controller or whatever else, set the reference inside widget 2 (Just like you did earlier when you created the player controller reference variable) and go back to widget 1 to pass it along in the create [widget 2] widget.
I hope this makes sense!