Is the button click in a widget consuming the mouse click event? there a way to fire both events?
In my level blueprint i set up a timeline which “plays from start” when i press the left mouse button. When my float value of that timeline reaches a certain point it triggers my screensaver blueprint. (it means basicly that my screensaver shows up if i didnt use my mouse in the last 30 seconds). That is working fine if i dont click on a widget. But if i click on a button in a widget, this left mouse click does not count for the “left mouse button” click event in my level blueprint. Why?
I suppose there are two things you could do here, the simplest would be to add an event call on the OnClicked event of the button that plugs into whatever LeftMouseButton down is doing in your level blueprint. So when you click the button, it calls a function in your level blueprint, that just plugins into what Left Mouse Button is doing. An event dispatcher would probably work for that.
Or, replace the button with a border widget, and use the OnMouseButtonDown binding, make sure to set the return value in that function to UnHandled. If you do it this way, you’ll have to recreate the hover and clicked style etc.from the button, but it won’t consume the input anymore.
Basic example of how the first option might look in your level blueprint: