Widget BP input events don't work with "Set Input Mode UI Only"

I have trouble understanding how does the “Set input mode UI only” node work.
What I want to achieve is to enable some input events which should work only within a certain widget, when it is created and added to the viewport.

In the following example I expect Q button input event to work when the input mode is set to UI only. However, it doesn’t. Moreover, it does work when the input mode is set to “game only”. Which confuses me, because I think of events in the WIdget Blueprint as part of “UI” and not the “Game”:

I know there is a workaround which is to override the “On Key Down” function, but is it really the best way to handle UI input?
I just want to understand what does the “Set input mode” node REALLY do, because apparently it’s not about enabling/disabling input events in the widget blueprints

The issue might be related to input focus. Make sure your widget is set to receive input by calling Set Focus on the widget after adding it to the viewport. Plus, verify that the widget’s visibility is set to Visible and not Hit Test Invisible or Collapsed.

Try InputModeGameAndUI

it kinda makes sense, Q is a game input action, “OnKeyDown” is a UI input action.

Consider if it was ‘W’ usually thats move forward but in a menu it might be ‘move cursor up’ so you need that layer of separation