Widget Blueprint showing as Map

So I noticed that when I was creating a demo project that I couldn’t get my main menu widget to show up. For some reason my widget is showing up as a map. I am using P4D so I am not sure if something got crossed or what. With it showing up as a map I cannot reference it as a widget in a blueprint to create a widget.


That’s rich. Can you still open and edit it?

Yeah, when I first saw it I was confused why the UI guy put a map into the UI folder and when I opened it up I got the UI editor. I changed a few things and then saved but it still showed up as a map file in the content browser. I ended up duplicating it and then deleting the old one. I am wondering if something got crossed in P4D or something

Somehow I doubt you’ll ever get a better answer than “something got crossed in P4D or something”.