Widget animation reverse with trigger box


I have created a widget animation that when entering with the character in a trigger box reproduces it without problems. The problem is that I can’t find a way to reproduce the reverse when the character exits the trigger box.

I hope I have explained myself and that someone knows how to help me,

Thanks for reading me!

The problem is that I can’t find a way
to reproduce the reverse when the
character exits the trigger box.

Not sure what is stopping you from doing that. You’d use an identical method to call both. Show us how you approached it.

in the “triggerbox” blueprint > OnComponentEndOverlap Event > Call a custom event in the widget

In the Widgets Custom Event > Play Animation > Reverse

its a little weird but the reverse node actually goes after the play node

hope that helped!

Of course!

In this case I am using the widget to warn the user that in that area you can activate “e” key to focus a video and during the video display you can stop focusing if you press “e” key again (a new widget appears to warn from this).

I explain what I have:

· (1 and 3) The character enters the trigger box and the widget appears with its respective animation, but if it exits the trigger, the widget simply disappears (I can’t figure out how to execute the reverse when I exit the trigger (this is my doubt))

· (2) If the character activates “e” key the view changes to a camera. So the old widget is no longer visible and a new widget appears, which when you press “e” key, also disappears.

· (4) Animation runs inside the widget.


(0) https://i.imgur.com/cAkT0Lc.png

(1) https://i.imgur.com/OoiuVYw.png

(2) https://i.imgur.com/rk9I28j.png

(3) https://i.imgur.com/oCO9e8A.png

(4) https://i.imgur.com/XnT06Jg.png

That was the first thing I tried, but I am unable to find the “custom event” inside the blueprint

