Widget animation play and stop?

Is there a way to play a animation from a widget but make it stop once its done?

The issue is i play a animation on the widget but when its done its back to the first frame is there some way to avoid this?

The issue is i play a animation on the
widget but when its done its back to
the first frame is there some way to
avoid this?

You may need to clarify.

The widget animation stops automatically. The default behaviour is that once the widget animation stops, the widget will display its last frame. Its play time will reset, though.

Playing the animation results in the colour changing from black to white:

Image from Gyazo

After which the widget will remain at this state.

Could you demonstrate the behaviour that is not following the above?

I think it should only play once. Check if you haven’t looped it somewhere or show how it’s being played. Num of Loops to Play is probably what you’re looking at.

Well it is used with a Custom Event that the player calls from its blueprint so its basically something like Key “X” - Cast to “Whatever” and the Custom event that is linked to that animation its pretty simple.

Another odd thing i noticed is when i list more than two animations that use the same key “Like in a select screen in a game” the 2nd animation will not work and it will go from 1 to 3 instead of 1 2 and 3 if that makes sense.

if that makes sense.

Sadly, it does not, not until you show us how you do it.

Playing an animation does just that. Play, stop, show last frame. Are you stopping the animation early, before it has a chance to finish on its own?

Another odd thing i noticed is when i
list more than two animations that use
the same key

This sounds more like an input consumption issue rather than an issue with widgets.