Is there a way for me to have a widget that is permanently on the screen in version 4.8? When I “Open Level” or “RestartLevel” I don’t want the widget to reset, I want it to be on the screen the entire time. Is there a way to do, or does the widget have to reset?
I was hoping I would be able to place an Audio component inside the widget that will continuously play music, even if I switch levels. Right now, when I switch levels or restart a level, the music also restarts. Is there another way to get music to continuously play?
I don’t think you can play sound continuously , here is 2 solutions
1- you can play your music in a persistent level and load/Unload Stream levels
2- having a timer counter -> Save it before restart or load a level -> when the next level is loaded , get the time you saved and make it as the “Start Time” of Play Sound Function
Thanks for the suggestions! I tried the first option earlier, and I couldn’t get that to properly work with my levels. I’ve been trying the second option, and got it to mostly work, but when I restart or Open Level, the music jumps back a second or two. I attached a picture to show how I did it.