Widget - Alternate Text Input & Screen Text (similar to unix CLI)

I’ve built a simulated Unix command line interface into my game. However, I have (so far) been forced to keep the command line input separate from the scroll box that contains the text (output) from the commands (in the CLI). What I’d like to do is simulate the way a real unix interface works, where the CLI is always below the last output it produced.

I tried to do this by getting the transform of the text output and also the transform of the scroll box, and setting the text input (the CLI) transform to the Y axis plus some margin, but that didn’t work. I’ve tried various other ways as well, but to no avail. I’m hoping someone has an easy answer (or just an answer?).

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I guess you could just make the whole thing one big multi line text box.

But you would have to stop them backspacing over what had already been typed.

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OK, this works, apart from inputting the very first char ( not sure about that :slight_smile: )

You can remove stuff, but not the prompt


It seems you’ve integrated a simulated Unix command line interface into your game, but you’re facing challenges in aligning the CLI below the last output, similar to a real Unix interface. Despite attempts to adjust transforms, the desired effect hasn’t been achieved. While there might not be a straightforward solution, consider exploring alternative approaches to maintain the desired alignment between the CLI and text output within the scroll box. Experimentation and consultation with fellow developers might provide valuable insights.

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AWESOME! Thank you so much!!!

I’ll let you know how the implementation works in my game!

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