Why would when morphing in UE5.3 the material turn partially transparent or translucent?

Good Morning,

I have an issue with a morph target I have created. I have never seen this before and my other morphs that are in the scene (so far, haven’t completed the Animatic) are working fine. I have created a simple morph where a mound is being morphed up through a floor. It seems to be around just over half so just after 0.5 the material switches to being transparent partially. I have done a quick video to show what is happening. I have researched but found nothing. The master material is set to be used with Morphs. I thought maybe it was the Opacity Mask Clip Value that was messing up but after I played with that nothing changed. I even have set this to a 2 sided material, but no difference. Any clues and thoughts would be gratefully appreciated.

Strange morphing issue with material.


Ok so no idea what happened. I re-did the morphing mesh as I needed to tweak it in Maya and re-import. For some odd reason it now works. It’s still puzzling it went partially transparent but it no longer does. Very strange.